Thursday, September 14, 2017

More Amboseli Pics

This pic is from the first day, just driving in from the airstrip. It's a newborn giraffe, if you look carefully you see the umbilical cord still attached.

We spent the second day at Amboseli National Park, a marshy area famous for elephants.

Saw my first hippos

Passed a Masai kindergarten. Kids walk 5-8 kilometers from the nearby villages

At the end of that second day, we had a "sundowner" - they drive you out to a special spot, usually to watch the sunset, and serve gin and tonics.

However, instead of watching the sunset, we watched two lion cubs eating their kill (some kind of male antelope, you can see the black horns), as the mother watched nearby. Thankfully our jeep was on the other side, so we didn't have to see anything gory.